Eventi Settore Kung Fu

1° Raduno di Hung Gar Kung Fu WKF

Palestra Polivalente – Velletri (RM)

Forms e Taolu



Changquan (長拳 or Long Fist)

refers to long-range extended wushu styles likeChaquan (查拳), Huaquan (華拳), Hongquan (洪拳; “flood fist”), and Shaolinquan (少林拳), but this wushu form is a modernized style derived from movements of these and other traditional styles. Changquan is the most widely seen of the wushu forms, and includes speed, power, accuracy, and flexibility. Changquan is difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism, and is often practiced from a young age. All nandu movements must be made within 4 steps or it will not count for nandu points.

Nanquan (南拳 or Southern Fist)

refers to wushu styles originating in south China(i.e., south of the Yangtze River, including Hongjiaquan (Hung Gar) (洪家拳),Cailifoquan (Choy Li Fut) (蔡李佛拳), and Yongchunquan (Wing Chun) (詠春拳). Many are known for vigorous, athletic movements with very stable, low stances and intricate hand movements. This wushu form is a modern style derived from movements of these and other traditional southern styles. Nanquan typically requires less flexibility and has fewer acrobatics than Changquan, but it also requires greater leg stability and power generation through leg and hip coordination. This event was created in 1960. All nandu movements must be made within 4 steps or it will not count for nandu points.

Taijiquan (太極拳, T’ai chi ch’uan)

is a wushu style famous for slow, relaxed movements, often seen as an exercise method for the elderly, and sometimes known as “T’ai chi” in Western countries to those otherwise unfamiliar with wushu. This wushu form is a modern recompilation based on the Yang (楊) style of Taijiquan, but also including movements of the Chen (陳), Wu (吳), Wu (武), and Sun (孫) styles. Competitive contemporary taiji is distinct from those traditional styles it draws from, in that it typically involves difficult holds, balances, jumps and jump kicks. Modern competitive tai ji requires good balance, flexibility and strength.

Short weapons

Dao (刀 or knife)

refers to any curved, one-sided sword/blade, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using a medium-sized willow-leaf-shaped dao (柳葉刀).

Nandao (南刀 or Southern Style knife)

refers a form performed with a curved, one sided sword/blade based on the techniques of Nanquan. The weapon and techniques appears to be based on the butterfly swords of Yongchunquan, a well known Southern style. In the Wushu form, the blade has been lengthened and changed so that only one is used (as opposed to a pair). This event was created in 1992.

Jian (劍 or double-edged sword)

refers to any double-edged straight sword/blade, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the jian.

Taijijian (太極劍 or Taiji double-edged sword)

is an event using the jian based on traditional Taijiquan jian methods.

Long weapons

Gun (棍 or staff)

refers to a long staff (shaped from white wax wood) as tall as the wrist of a person standing with his/her arms stretched upwards, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the white wax wood staff.

Nangun (南棍 or Southern cudgel)

is a Nanquan method of using the staff. This event was created in 1992.

Qiang (槍 or spear)

refers to a flexible spear with red horse hair attached to the spearhead, but this wushu form is a Changquan method of using the qiang.
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a mani nude

Changquan (长拳 o Long Fist) si riferisce a stili di wushu esteso a lungo raggio come Chaquan, Huaquan, Hongquan (pugno dell’inondazione) e Shaolinquan, ma questa forma di wushu è un stile modernizzato derivato da movimenti di questi e di altri stili tradizionali. Changquan è il più visto delle forme di wushu, e comprende velocità, potenza, precisione e flessibilità. Changquan è difficile da eseguire, che richiede grande flessibilità e atletismo, ed è spesso praticata da una giovane età Tutti i movimenti di nandu devono essere fatti entro 4 punti o non contano per i punti nandu.

Nanquan (Nan Quan o pugno del sud) si riferisce agli stili di wushu originarie della Cina del Sud (vale a dire, a sud del fiume Yangtze, tra cui Hongjiaquan (Hung Gar) (Hung famiglia Pugno), Cailifoquan (Choy Li Fut) (Choy Lee pugilato), e Yongchunquan (Wing Chun) (Wing Chun) Molti sono noti per i movimenti vigorosi e atletici con posizioni molto stabili e basse e per i movimenti complicati delle mani.Questa forma di wushu è uno stile moderno derivato dai movimenti di questi e altri stili tradizionali meridionali. meno flessibilità e meno acrobazie rispetto a Changquan, ma richiede anche maggiore stabilità delle gambe e generazione di energia attraverso la coordinazione delle gambe e dell’anca.Questo evento è stato creato nel 1960. Tutti i movimenti di nandu devono essere effettuati entro 4 passaggi o non contano per i punti nandu.

Il Taijiquan (tai chi ch’uan) è uno stile wushu famoso per i movimenti lenti e rilassati, spesso visto come un metodo di allenamento per gli anziani, e talvolta conosciuto come “T’ai chi” nei paesi occidentali a quelli altrimenti Questa forma di wushu è una moderna ricompilazione basata sullo stile Yang del Taijiquan, ma include anche i movimenti degli stili Chen, Wu, Wu e Sun. Il taiji contemporaneo competitivo si distingue dagli stili tradizionali da cui trae ispirazione, in quanto traccia molto bene le prese difficili, gli equilibri, i salti e i calci di salto. Il moderno tai ji competitivo richiede un buon equilibrio, flessibilità e forza.

Armi corte

Il Dao (coltello o coltello) si riferisce a qualsiasi lama / lama curva, unilaterale, ma questa forma di wushu è un metodo Changquan di usare un dao di medie dimensioni a forma di foglia di salice (Lancet).

Nandao (lama Southern o coltello Southern Style) indica una forma eseguita con una curva, una spada unilaterale / lama basato sulle tecniche di Nanquan. L’arma e tecniche sembrano basarsi sulle spade farfalla di Yongchunquan, uno stile Southern noto. Nella forma Wushu, la lama è stata allungata e modificata in modo che ne venga usata solo una (al contrario di una coppia) .Questo evento è stato creato nel 1992.

Jian (spada o spada a doppio taglio) si riferisce a qualsiasi spada / lama a doppio taglio, ma questa forma di wushu è un metodo Changquan di usare il jian.

Taijijian (spada taijika o spada a doppio taglio Taiji) è un evento che usa il jian basato sui metodi tradizionali di Taijiquan jian.

Armi lunghe

Pistola (bastone o bastone) che si riferisce a un lungo bastone (sagomato in legno di cera bianca) alto come il polso di una persona in piedi con le braccia tese verso l’alto, ma questa forma di wushu è un metodo Changquan di usare il bastone di legno di cera bianca .

Nangun (南 棍 o randello del sud) è un metodo Nanquan di utilizzo dello staff. Questo evento è stato creato nel 1992.

Qiang (枪 o lancia) si riferisce a una lancia flessibile con i capelli rossi attaccati alla punta della lancia, ma questa forma di wushu è un metodo Changquan di usare il qiang.

Sanda Sanshou

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San Shou is the official full contact fighting sport of modern Chinese Wushu which is rapidly growing in international popularity. As an integral part of most Wushu competitions, San Shou has been an important event at the World Wushu Championships since its inception in 1991. Presently San Shou competitions are held in over 80 countries worldwide. Recently San Shou has also become a professional sport in America.

The word “San Shou” also spelled “Sanda” translates as “unbound hand” and refers to free fighting where the rules are designed to most accurately simulate actual combat. San Shou matches are fought on a raised platform called the “Lei Tai”. Historically, the Lei Tai dates back centuries in China where challenge matches were fought both bare handed and also with weapons with no rules. These matches often resulted in death or serious injury. At the National Chinese tournament in Nanking in 1928, the fights on the Lei Tai were so brutal that the final 12 contestants were not permitted to fight for fear of killing off some of the great masters of the time. So changes were needed!

Modern San Shou developed into a sport about the same time as modern Wushu during the 1960′s by the Chinese Government. In order to define a standard kung fu fighting style, the great masters from all over China were given the task of organizing the huge heritage of Chinese martial arts in to a system of rules in which different styles could complete. Protective equipment was also added to further reduce the risk of serious injury.

The rules of San Shou allow for a wide array of full contact punching, kicking, takedowns and throws derived from the traditional application of Chinese martial arts. Finishing holds (chokes, arm locks etc.) have been excluded from the rules which forces the fight to continue at a fast pace. San Shou addresses the three ranges of fighting– kicking, punching and grappling which adds great realism to the sport. A fighter can win by a knockout or by points. Points are also awarded for the techniques according to effectiveness. In a tournament, you fight for 2 rounds of 2 minutes each, plus a third round in case the first 2 score even. Forcing the opponent off of the platform is also a major technique of San Shou. It is a mistake to think of San Shou as just Kick Boxing because the strategies of San Shou are much more complex.